Publication Details

Wray, T. & Eklund, P. W. (2010). Social tagging for digital libraries using formal concept analysis. In M. Kryszkiewicz & S. Obiedkov (Eds.), CLA-2010: Concept Lattice and Their Applications (pp. 139-150). Spain: Marzena Kryszkiewicz and Sergei Obiedkov.


This paper describes the Art Collection Ecosystem – an application that allows users to tag and serendipitously browse content using Formal Concept Analysis. Within this application, tags are derived from meta-data of artworks within an existing asset management system and are classified according to theories derived from social tagging behaviour.We present past and recent iterations of its design, where it is evaluated as a contextual comparison to a popular image tagging application, Flickr. Through the process of iterative design and user evaluation, we produce results are of interest to any applied research and development that involves the exploration of digital library content using concept lattices.
