Illawarra Historical Society Publications


J. P. O'Malley



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J.P. O'Malley, (1968), The Old Dapto Smelting Works, Illawarra Historical Society, Wollongong, 17p. First edition 1950, second edition 1968. The first edition of this booklet, based on an address by the author to the Illaw arra H istorical Society, appeared in 1950 but requiries bringing up-to-date at only a few points. The site of the smelting works is little changed since then. Part of the great pile of slag has been removed, but much still remains. “Lakeview ” , the former general office building, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fackender, is still in existence, but the manager’s residence in Kanahooka Road, some distance to the west, has been demolished. The level crossings in Princes Highway have disappeared but part of the old railw ay track is still visible in Marshall Street, Dapto, and its earthworks can be seen in many places along the route. Repeated enquiries for Brother O’Malley’s booklet since it has been out of print have determined the society to republish this interesting and valuable record of the first attem industry on any large scale in Illawarra.


Illawarra Historical Society, Wollongong, 17p. Second edition 1968

The Old Dapto Smelting Works
