Central neurotransmitters in cardiorespiratory control mechanisms
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The last two decades have seen major changes in our understanding of the medullo-spinal circuitry, and neurotransmitters, involved in central cardiorespiratory control. With the advent of effective tract-tracing techniques, immunocytochemistry and various combinations of these methodologies, earlier ideas about ‘vasomotor centres’ have been superseded by descriptions of cardiorespiratory reflexes based on specific neuronal pathways (Chalmers and Pilowsky ‘92, Dampney ‘94).
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Pilowsky, P. M., Arnolda, L. F., Chalmers, J. P., Llewellyn-Smith, I. J., Minson, J. B. & Sun, Q. (1997). Central neurotransmitters in cardiorespiratory control mechanisms. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 11 (SUPPL. 1), 16s-20s.