Publication Details

This conference paper was originally published as Jones, SC, A review of the consistency of pamphlets promoting mammographic screening in Australia, in Proccedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 1 - 5 December 2001, Massey University, New Zealand.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in Australia and the most common cause of cancer death in Australian women. Early detection of breast cancers with mammography has the potential to dramatically reduce mortality rates. Thus, there is an obvious need for clear, accurate information about breast cancer screening to be disseminated to Australian women. A 1997 review of breast cancer screening pamphlets in Australia noted some inconsistencies in the nature and content of the information provided, and recommended that these be addressed. The current study, conducted in January 2001, examined whether consistency has improved since the 1997 review. A total of 35 items were identified which met the inclusion criteria. These were reviewed for consistency across five specific content areas. The materials were largely consistent in their coverage of causes, risk factors, and screening information. However, considerable inconsistencies were identified for the estimated lifetime risk of developing breast cancer and for symptoms of breast cancer. These inconsistencies are disturbing because they appear in the two areas where accurate information is most likely to contribute to increased screening, detection and treatment of breast cancer.
