Nguyen, K. T D., Buljan, V., Balcar, V. J., Pow, D. V. & Else, P. (2010). Cardiac glycosides ouabain and digoxin interfere with the regulation of glutamate transporter GLAST in astrocytes cultured from neonatal rat brain. Neurochemical Research, 35 (12), 2062-2069.
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Publication Details
Nguyen, K. T D., Buljan, V., Balcar, V. J., Pow, D. V. & Else, P. (2010). Cardiac glycosides ouabain and digoxin interfere with the regulation of glutamate transporter GLAST in astrocytes cultured from neonatal rat brain. Neurochemical Research, 35 (12), 2062-2069.