Practice nurses and the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke: a literature review to promote evidence-based practice. Part II: hypertension, raised blood cholesterol, lack of exercise and obesity



Publication Details

Crookes, P., Davies, S., McDonnell, A. & Shewan, J. (1997). Practice nurses and the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke: a literature review to promote evidence-based practice. Part II: hypertension, raised blood cholesterol, lack of exercise and obesity. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 1 (4), 198-205.


This is the second of two papers reviewing the evidence for interventions aimed at reducing the incidence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke in primary care settings. The first paper considered the role of practice nurses in the primary prevention of CVD and stroke and interventions relating to smoking cessation. This paper reviews the evidence for interventions in relation to hypertension, raised blood cholesterol, lack of exercise and obesity. The paper concludes with a summary of practice indicators for reducing risk factors for CVD and stroke, based upon the current state of knowledge, which are particularly relevant to practice nurses and others engaged in health promotion. As new evidence becomes available, it is essential for practitioners to update and maintain their knowledge base in this area if the maximum reduction in the incidence of CVD and stroke is to be achieved.

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