Document Type

Journal Article


In the twelfth annual Philip Sherlock Lecture, delivered in February 2005 at the University of the West Indies (Mona, Jamaica), Olive Senior spoke about the journey she had undertaken to becoming 'a woman-ofwords: and established the connection between 'tradition and the individual talent' with the claim that the voice of individual talent in the Caribbean is one that necessarily draws upon oral and scribal cultures. It is at once representative of the personal and the collective. In the Philip Sherlock lecture, "The Poem as Gardening, the Story as Su-Su: Finding a Literary Voice," Senior remarked, "I have learned that co answer (Q the calling of writer in Jamaica is a humbling experience. In a place where the oral culture is dominant, 'telling stoty' will always be more valued than authorship ... what is valued is not authorship but the power of the story" (36, 43).


