Document Type

Journal Article


Saturday, 29th April Today I sowed blue lobelia and Pacific Giant pansies. The coriander and the stocks have sprouted green on the grey soil. With what ardour I go out each morning peering through my reading glasses. Yet I miss so much. For instance, why didn't I see the new fruit coming when I sprayed the leaves? I was looking at the leaves, that's why. Sometimes I see people pass by as I stand at the front window. Many do not look to the right or left. They seem blind. But I tell myself this is not a test of intelligence, the person looking at the cement path may be thinking of how to end the play he is writing, how to pay a bill, or a thousand other things. Virginia Woolf walked down The Strand seeing almost nothing while thinking of her novel To the Lighthouse. But some people do look at trees and plants. (Llewellyn, Playing with Water 62)


