Use of impedance probe for estimation of porosity changes in saturated granular filters under cyclic loading: calibration and application
Gravimetric and volumetric sampling techniques are reliable for the measurement of porosity in fully saturated granular filters. However, both methods require a significant effort to gather and prepare samples, are time intensive to process, and do not capture real-time changes. Portable impedance probes serve as a valuable alternative to these destructive and laborious sampling methods. These probes measure the dielectric properties of the soil-water mixtures from which the porosity of filters may be inferred. This study demonstrates that generalized calibrations can result in large errors for porosity estimation when using diverse and small-scale filter types. By comparing with gravimetric and volumetric based porosity measurements for saturated granular filter porosity, impedance probes with filter-specific calibration offer the reliability and confidence owing to its reduced error in a quick, nondestructive fashion. This paper also presents the results of a laboratory investigation using an impedance probe to monitor real-time changes in the porosity of saturated granular filters subjected to cyclic train loading.
Publication Details
Trani, L, Ortega and Indraratna, B, Use of impedance probe for estimation of porosity changes in saturated granular filters under cyclic loading: calibration and application, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 136(10), 2010, 1469-1474.