Study of a monolithic silicon telescope for solid state microdosimetry: Response to a 100 MeV proton beam
A monolithic silicon telescope was recently proposed and studied for solid state microdosimetry. It consists of a thin surface ∆E stage (about 2 μm in thickness), at study for silicon microdosimetry, coupled to an E stage about 500 μm in thickness, which provide information about the energy of the impinging particle. In order to study the response of the detection system to high energy charged hadrons, the silicon telescope was placed in a polystyrene phantom and irradiated with a 100 MeV un-modulated proton beam at the Loma Linda University Medical Centre.
The experimental results were compared with those obtained with a numerical study based on Monte Carlo simulations carried out with the FLUKA code. The agreement between experimental and simulation results was satisfactory.
Publication Details
Agosteo, S., Fazzi, A., Introini, M. V., Pola, A., Rosenfeld, A. B., Shulte, R. & Wroe, A. (2011). Study of a monolithic silicon telescope for solid state microdosimetry: Response to a 100 MeV proton beam. Radiation Measurements, 46 (12), 1529-1533.