Feasibility study of solid-state microdosimetry for energetic protons and heavy ions with coincident particle identification
We have developed an experimental system for identifying particles types, energies, and mass-to-charge ratios of beams of energetic particles responsible for events of energy deposition resulting from primary particles in accelerator beams of produced by interaction of such beams. Conventional techniques for such measurements normally depend upon identifying the stopping power (dE/dx) and the total energy of the particle; however, the range of particles of hundreds or thousands of MeV have ranges of tens of centimeters and the usual approaches are impractical. We have utilized an alternative approach that does not require knowing the total energy of each particle. We have carried out studies that show the feasibility of such an approach, and present measurements obtained with this method for a beam nominally of 1000-MeV protons at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) facility of the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Data from these measurements are presented.
Publication Details
Dicello, J. F., Pisacane, V. L., Dolecek, Q. E., Rosenfeld, A. B., Rusek, A., Sivertz, M. and Malak, H. (2011). Feasibility study of solid-state microdosimetry for energetic protons and heavy ions with coincident particle identification. Radiation Measurements, 46 (12), 1539-1542.