We demonstrate a uniquely designed microfluid logic gate with universal functionality, which is capable of conducting all 16 logic operations in one chip, with different input voltage combinations. A kind of smart colloid, giant electrorheological (GER) fluid, functions as the translation media among fluidic, electronic and mechanic information, providing us with the capability of performing large integrations either on-chip or off-chip, while the on-chip hybrid circuit is formed by the interconnection of the electric components and fluidic channels, where the individual microdroplets travelling in a channel represents a bit. The universal logic gate reveals the possibilities of achieving a large-scale microfluidic processor with more complexity for on-chip processing for biological, chemical as well as computational experiments.
Publication Details
Zhang, M., Wang, L., Wang, X., Wu, J., Li, J., Gong, X., Qin, J., Li, W. and Wen, W. (2011). Microdroplet-based universal logic gates by electrorheological fluid. Soft Matter, 7 (16), 7493-7497.