A tool for benchmark study of roadway development performances
In responding to why some longwall roadway development rates are different among mines, the Roadway Development Task Group (RDTG) of Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) has initiated a benchmarking study to survey each longwall mine to determine the correlation between roadway development practices and roadway development performances. This paper describes a web-based relational database system which has been developed purposely to monitor the performance of Australian longwall roadway developments aimed at assessing both the physical and operational factors which could influence roadway development practices and their performance indicators. Statistical analysis of an earlier survey suggested that continuous miner units that achieved more than 1750 m were units mining two-heading development.
Publication Details
Gibson, G. and Baafi, E. Y. (2010). A tool for benchmark study of roadway development performances. In E. Topal and M. Kuruppu (Eds.), Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2010 (pp. 525-531). Carlton Victoria, Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.