Ranking of belt conveyor systems for prefeasibility study



Publication Details

Baafi, E. Y. and Bedward, D. (2010). Ranking of belt conveyor systems for prefeasibility study. In E. Topal and M. Kuruppu (Eds.), Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2010 (pp. 373-378). Carlton Victoria, Australia: The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.


Prefeasibility planning and cost estimation of conveyor systems has historically been undertaken by comparing fixed plant transport requirements to that of similar systems in service. This paper describes the development of a prefeasibility conveyor technical design and cost estimation application using Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) platform. The application tool known as D-Con ey (Dachshund Convey) was developed with the goal enabling the end user to develop a technical model for conceptualised conveyor systems, to perform economic analysis on the developed technical model and to conduct a comparative and risk analysis. An Excel VBA based platform was utilised to draw upon both the analytical and graphical capabilities of a spreadsheet. Some of the features of D-Con ey system include a revolutionary dynamic graphical help system, known as the ‘information pane’ in lieu of traditional help files as well as the use of familiar graphical user interface elements such as the MS Office 2007 task ribbon. The D-Con ey system incorporates material database allowing for mass handling prefeasibility estimation in other industries it has been validated at a local quarry.

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