Flutelike Porous Hematite Nanorods and Branched Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and Application for Gas-Sensing



Publication Details

Gou, X. L., Wang, G., Kong, X. y., Wexler, D., Horvat, J., Yang, J. Park, J. (2008). Flutelike Porous Hematite Nanorods and Branched Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation and Application for Gas-Sensing. Chemistry: A European Journal, 14 (19), 5996-6002.


Flute-like porous a-Fe2O3nanorods and branched nanostructuressuch as pentapods and hexapods wereprepared through dehydration and recrystallisationofhydrot hermally synthesisedb-FeOOH precursor. Transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM),high-resolution TEM and selected areaelectron diffraction analyses reveal thatthe nanorods, which grow along the[110] direction, have nearly hollow cavitiesand porous walls with a pore sizeof2050 nm. The hexapods have sixsymmetric arms with a diameter of6080 nm and length of40090 0 nm. Thegrowth direction ofthe arms in thehexapod-like nanostructure is alsoalong the [110] direction, and there is adihedral angle of69.5 o between adjacentarms. These unique iron oxidenanostructures offer the first opportunityto investigate their magnetic andgas sensing properties. The nanostructuresexhibited unusual magnetic behaviour,with two different Morin temperaturesunder field-cooled and zerofield-cooled conditions, owing to theirshape anisotropy and magnetocrystallineanisotropy. Furthermore, the a-Fe2O3 nanostructures show muchbetter sensing performance towardsethanol than that ofthe previously reportedpolycrystalline nanotubes. Inaddition, the a-Fe2O3 nanostructurebased sensor can selectively detectformaldehyde and acetic acid amongother toxic, corrosive and irritant vapoursat a low working temperaturewith rapid response, high sensitivityand good stability.

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