We present a quantitative analysis on orbital magnetization of graphene under a magnetic field. Theenergy spectra were obtained by solving Harper equation for a honeycomb lattice. The effect of thenext-nearest-neighbor hopping(NNNH) is to increase the period of the magnetic subbands in f/f0 from 1 to 6 (where f is the magnetic flux through a unit cell and f0 is the flux quanta). The shiftsof the energy levels due to the NNNH vary with the magnetic field. The Holmholtz free energy atthe points f/f0=6n+1 is lowered as compared to that with the nearest neighbor hopping only. Forgraphene nanoribbons, the magnetic susceptibility is very sensitive to the ribbon width and chirality.The zero-field susceptibility increase with the ribbon width.
Publication Details
Liu, J., Ma, Z., Wright, A. R. Zhang, C. (2008). Orbital magnetization of graphene and graphene nanoribbons. Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (10), 103711-1-103711-6.