Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for simulation of acid mine drainage generation and subsequent pollutants transportation through groundwater flow systems and rivers



Publication Details

Ardejani, F., Baafi, E. Y., Panahi, K., Singh, R. N. Shokri, B. J. 2011, 'Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for simulation of acid mine drainage generation and subsequent pollutants transportation through groundwater flow systems and rivers', in I. V. Minin O. V. Minin (eds), Computational Fluid Dynamics Technologies and Applications, InTech, London. pp. 123


Many environmental problems associated with the mining industry involve the understanding and analysis of fluid or gas flow. Typical examples include groundwater flow, transport of contaminants, heat transfer, explosions, fire development and dust movements. Both experimental work and numerical models can provide the necessary information for solution of any particular problem. The long-term pyrite oxidation, acid mine drainage generation and transportation of the oxidation products are noted to be the most important problems that can be modelled in order to predict the transport of thecontaminants through groundwater and rivers flow systems, to interpret the geochemistry and achieve a better understanding of the processes involved.

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