The dissolution behaviour of selected oxides in CaO-SiO2-Al2-O3



Publication Details

Monaghan, BJ, Nightingale, SA, Chen, L & Brooks, G, The dissolution behaviour of selected oxides in CaO-SiO2-Al2-O3, Proceedings VII International Conference on Molten slags, fluxes and salts, 2004, p 585-594, South Africa: South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy.


The dissolution of alumina and magnesia has been investigated using laser scanning confocal microscopy (alumina) and a rotating finger apparatus (magnesia) to assess the effects of temperature, composition and forced convection on the rate of dissolution in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3based slags. The two techniques have differing strengths and limitations, and provide complementary methods for studying dissolution. Alumina dissolution was studied for temperatures from 1477 to 1577°C. Based upon the data, the rate controlling mechanism was thought to be mass transfer control in the slag. The diffusion coefficients for the alumina particles are estimated to be in the range 10-11to 10-10m2.s. MgO degradation for sample rotation speeds of 50 to 800 rpm at 1500 and 1530°C was studied for both congruent and incongruent dissolution. The results show that the rate of dissolution for this is primarily controlled by a diffusion mass transfer mechanism for congruent dissolution except at the highest rotation speed. For incongruent dissolution, the mechanism is much more complex, with the morphology and distribution of the spinel reaction product having a significant effect. At high speeds and prolonged times, mechanical forces played a major role in the degradation process.

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