Dust control technology for coal handling and processing: Crushing station case study



Publication Details

Xia, B., Liao, R., Grima, A., Pan, R. & Wypych, P. (2016). Dust control technology for coal handling and processing: Crushing station case study. ICBMH 2016 - 12th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation, Proceedings (pp. 73-82). Barton, Australia: Engineers Australia.


This paper outlines the technologies employed to develop a successful solution to minimise dust emissions using calibrated discrete element modelling (DEM) and new dust extraction technology. The case study comprised of a large crushing station that screens and crushes oversize product. The coal processed varies from dry dusty coal to wet cohesive coal that can often block sections of the transfer chute. The air generation can often be significant in the stilling chamber on the out-going conveyor due to the large drop height, making it a formidable task to design a reliable dust extraction system. Material testing for DEM calibration purposes was conducted on representative samples of dry and wet coal in order to improve the accuracy of the solution. A new dust extraction system was designed and installed to extract the airborne dust, including respirable particles using a combination of misting and high efficiency cyclone technologies.

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