Guest Editorial Focused Section on Mechatronics in Cyber-Physical Systems



Publication Details

Li, W., Lv, C., Gopalswamy, S., Li, L. & Khajepour, A.(Eds.). (2018). Guest Editorial Focused Section on Mechatronics in Cyber-Physical Systems. 23,


Wireless networking, sensing, computing, and control advances have changed the way in which society interacts with the physical world. The computational processes are deeply embedded in the physical world, creating a highly coupled system that has the potential to enhance human safety, mission objectives, and system efficiency. In the context of cyber-physical systems (CPSs), mechatronic systems, which are becoming highly multidisciplinary, require an ever-increasing combination of mechanical, electrical/electronic, control, and information disciplines. This further offers ample prospects for the integration of various mechatronic components/subsystems, toward enhanced system safety, performance, energy, and intelligence. The objective of this focused Section is to compile recent research and development efforts contributing to advances in mechatronics in the CPS, including the state-of-the-art in associated developments and methodologies, and the perspectives on future developments and applications of mechatronics in the CPS.

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