Multi-designated verifiers signature schemes with threshold verifiability: Generic pattern and a concrete scheme in the standard model



Publication Details

Rastegari, P., Dakhilalian, M., Berenjkoub, M. & Susilo, W. (2019). Multi-designated verifiers signature schemes with threshold verifiability: Generic pattern and a concrete scheme in the standard model. IET Information Security, 13 (5), 459-468.


In a designated verifier signature (DVS) scheme, the validity of the signature can only be checked by a designated entity chosen by the signer. Furthermore, the designated entity cannot convince a third party that the signature is generated by the signer. A multi-designated verifiers signature (MDVS) scheme is an extension of a DVS which includes multiple designated verifiers. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are two existing patterns for an MDVS scheme. In the first pattern, every verifier of the set of designated verifiers can check the validity of the signature independently. In the second pattern, the cooperation of all designated verifiers is required for checking the validity of the signature. In this study, the authors propose a generic new pattern for an MDVS scheme in which a threshold number of the set of designated verifiers can check the validity of the signature. They also present a concrete MDVS scheme with threshold verifiability in the standard model. Moreover, they compare their scheme with other existing MDVS schemes. Finally, they briefly explain scenarios in which the proposed pattern can be applicable.

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