Influence of various shapes of CuO nanomaterial on nanofluid forced convection within a sinusoidal channel with obstacles



Publication Details

Nguyen, T., Saidizad, A., Jafaryar, M., Sheikholeslami, M., Barzegar Gerdroodbary, M., Moradi, R., Shafee, A. & Li, Z. (2019). Influence of various shapes of CuO nanomaterial on nanofluid forced convection within a sinusoidal channel with obstacles. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 146 478-485.


Heat transfer intensification is significant for enhancement of the performance of various industrial uses such as condensers. In addition, the presence of nanofluid considerably increases the thermal features of carrier fluid. In current paper, CuO nanoparticles involving different shapes have been employed for heat transfer augmentation in wavy channel with obstacles. This work tries to focus on the main flow pattern and indicate the highest operative terms on the heat rate. In order to do this, computational simulation was applied to simulate hydrothermal behavior. Significant parameter studies were performed to investigate the influences of wavelength and height ratios and velocity inlet. According to obtained results, suitable formula for Nusselt number is offered. Outputs show that Nu goes up with augment of height of obstacle due to increasing in strength of intensity. Also, thinner temperature boundary layer thickness can be seen for greater wavelength ratio. Our finding reveals that heat transfer rate increases more than 55% as the spherical nanoparticles is replace by platelet ones.

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