Improvement in Strength and Ductility of Asymmetric-Cryorolled Copper Sheets Under Low-Temperature Annealing



Publication Details

Yu, H., Du, Q., Godbole, A., Lu, C. & Kong, C. (2018). Improvement in Strength and Ductility of Asymmetric-Cryorolled Copper Sheets Under Low-Temperature Annealing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 49 (10), 4398-4403.


2018, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International. Ultrafine-grained copper sheets have potential micro-electro-mechanical applications. Copper sheets were fabricated using asymmetric rolling and asymmetric cryorolling, respectively, and they were annealed at 373 K for 1 hour. The asymmetric-cryorolled sheet has higher strength compared to the asymmetric-rolled sheet. Low-temperature annealing results in improved strength and ductility for the asymmetric-cryorolled sheet, while the strength was reduced for the asymmetric-rolled sheet. The asymmetric-cryorolled sheets have better thermal stability compared to asymmetric-rolled sheets due to their laminate structure.

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