Engaging students with flipped classes using 3D video collaboration technology



Publication Details

A. Talaei-Khoei, F. Safaei & M. Kaul, "Engaging students with flipped classes using 3D video collaboration technology," in 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017): A Tradition of Innovation, 2017, pp. 2502-2511.


The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of 3D video collaboration technologies to engage students with the learning materials prior flipped classes. The study uses iSee designed for 3D video collaborative classes and compared it with online learning management systems. An experiment has been reported on 273 students in an undergraduate Information System course. It was revealed that the correlation between either the students' engagement on the online quizzes or their engagement on iSee discussions with their learning outcomes were high. However, our statistical analysis showed that the relationship between iSee engagement and students' learning outcomes was stronger. The qualitative observations during this experiment are also discussed. The results have been discussed in the lens of Theory of Peer Learning and the future research have been suggested. This study motivates teaching practitioners in Information Systems to use 3D video collaboration technologies in flipped classes.

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