Business process generation by leveraging complete search over a space of activities and process goals



Publication Details

Deb, D., Chaki, N. & Ghose, A. (2015). Business process generation by leveraging complete search over a space of activities and process goals. In M. Helfert, D. Ferguson & V. Mendez Munoz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (pp. 233-240). SCITEPRESS.


An efficient and flexible business process not only helps an organization to meet the requirements of the evolving surroundings but also may facilitate a competitive advantage over other companies towards delivering the desired services. This is even more critical for an emerging paradigm like cloud based deployment. In this paper, we introduce a novel mechanism to generate the business process suitable for specific organizations. The approach provides an automated way to build the possible business processes for a given set of tasks that fulfills the goal and satisfies the constraints of an organization. In step 1, we show how to generate the finite space of all possible designs for a given set of tasks. Secondly, we accumulate the effect of each step to deduce the final effect of each possible process design and to ensure that the redesigned set of steps still realizes the service goal. The designs not meeting the service goals are eliminated from the space. In step 3, the rest of the designs are checked for the constraint satisfaction subject to some specific cases. The framework provides a comprehensive, both syntactically and semantically correct, consistent business process generation methodology that adheres to the target business goals and constraints.

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