A transmit power control protocol for multipath wireless sensor networks



Publication Details

U. Abduljaleel. Al-hamdany & R. Raad, "A transmit power control protocol for multipath wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of 2014 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA), 2014, pp. 1-5.


This paper proposes a Transmit Power control algorithm that increases a sensor network lifetime while maintaining throughput. The developed protocol has two main purposes: (1) to reduce energy depletion by using transmit power control protocol, and, (2) to maintain throughput by using multipath routing. A limitation of most previous studies that minimize transmit power is that they fail to take into consideration the throughput reduction when energy saving schemes are employed. Positive results were obtained when the proposed scheme was simulated on an IEEE 802.11g wireless link.

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