“Slowmation” (abbreviated from “Slow Animation”) is a simplified way of making an animation so that students can create one as a new way of learning about a science concept. The teaching approach guiding slowmation encourages students to create a sequence of five multimodal representations (the 5 Rs) by making: (i) written notes being background knowledge from researching a topic or from direct instruction; (ii) a storyboard to design the animation; (iii) 2D or 3D models; (iv) images from digital still photographs of the models; and (vi) the final animation. The 5 Rs helps students to develop understanding of a science concept by creating an animation to explain the concept.
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Hoban, G. & Nielsen, W. (2010). The 5 Rs: A new teaching approach to encourage slowmations (studentgenerated animations) of science concepts. Teaching Science, 56 (3), 33-38.