Publication Details

Khan, Z. Reza., Rakhman, S. & Bangera, A. 2016, 'Who Stole Me? Identity Theft on Social Media in the UAE', 4th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Global Academy of Training and Research, Dubai, UAE,


The Internet provides human beings with multiple ways to describe and showcase their personalities (Suler, 2002, pp. 455-460 as qtd. in Moise, 2015, p. 118). With the introduction of social networking sites, the number of users is exponentially increasing. Facebook and Twitter have about 82 percent Internet users, an astounding total of 1.2 billion users (Shen, 2013, as qtd. in Zeadally & Tsikerdekis, 2015). Research further suggests that due to the speed at which social networking sites are flourishing, it has become a lot easier to steal content and conduct identity manipulation.
