Publication Details

Lovrencic, V., Brekalo, M., Pantos, M., Perla, M., Sinko, M. & Gomiscek, B. 2016, 'Izkustva uporabe rada pod naponom kod održavanja električnih instalacija u Sveučilišnom kliničkom centru Ljubljana', Fifth session of CIRED Croatian National Committee, CIRED, pp. 1-11.


Health services are offered 24 hours 7 days a week all year round and it is necessary to ensure the continuing electrical supply. Electrical energy is a very important source to ensure quality of health services and patient safety. Aware of its responsibilities, electrical power supply professionals at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana have introduced live work in order to fulfil high requirements of electrical supply Very positive engineering experiences with many different and complex actions of live work have identified the belief that the live work is extremely useful and adequate maintenance method of electrical installations in health care institutions and hospitals.
