Publication Details

Bhayani, A. 2016, 'Word of mouth in consumers purchase decisions: The moderating role of product type', International Academy of Management and Business: 21st IAMB Conference, International Academy of Management and Business, Canada, pp. 1-13.


This article examines how homophily and ability (expertise) of eWOM source can impact on the consumers purchase decisions with moderating role of product type (credence product). The study used credence product with regards to selection of university by students. Using an interpretivist approach, the study examined 41 interviews and found that friends are good source of WOM but family plays a dominant role in decision making when it comes to college selection. Homophily with friends was regarded as important factor that evoked trust along with strong ties. Expertise and credibility of the WOM source also played critical role in trusting WOM. Article concludes with implications for practice.
