Service delivery process in the luxury hotel industry in Dubai: a hotelier's perspective



Publication Details

Gregorec, V., Vel, P. & Brobbey, C. K. A. 2015, 'Service delivery process in the luxury hotel industry in Dubai: a hotelier's perspective', 17th International conference on Services, Economics and Management, WASET: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 236-239.


Service delivery process in the face of ever changing customer expectations could not have been more important in glamorous Dubai luxury hotel service sector. Based on in-depth discussions with Dubai luxury hotel service pioneers, customer expectations, service processes, customer complaining behavior, and service recovery strategies in the luxury hotel industry are evaluated from the perspectives of service providers. Findings are in agreement with the statement that in the service industry the customer is not always right, and that hotel service providers have acknowledged the need to take extra measures towards individualized and personal service experience delivery. Ultimately, hoteliers set highest standards at all stages of the service delivery process in order to achieve positive and high customer ratings in all customer evaluation areas.

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