Differential roles of push and pull factors on escape for travel: Personal and social identity perspectives
2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd This study examines the effects of push and pull motivations linked to an individual's personal and social identities as key antecedents to escape for travel. In terms of push factors, escape for travel is driven from a personal identity perspective by the need for evaluation of self and regression and from a social identity perspective by the need for social interaction but not enhancement of kinship. Cultural motives that reflect personal identity positively influence escape for travel than destination pull factors linked to social identity. Overall, the study contributes to the existing knowledge on push and pull tourist motivations.
Publication Details
Michael, N., Nyadzayo, M., Michael, I. & Balasubramanian, S. 2020, 'Differential roles of push and pull factors on escape for travel: Personal and social identity perspectives', International Journal of Tourism Research,