Publication Date
September 2007
Recommended Citation
Levy, Amnon and Caputo, M. R., Optimal Control of Locusts in Subsistence Farming Areas, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, 2007.
Locust swarms hit subsistence-staple-crop-growing households at random and are not privately controllable. An aerial-spraying optimal control model that supports the said households’ liveli-hood at least expected cost is therefore developed. The qualitative properties of the model are analysed under economically plausible but mild assumptions. The steady state comparative stat-ics reveal that the locust swarm size and the probability of a household’s crop being destroyed by a swarm decrease with the number of households, yield per household, and the staple crop’s replacement price, and increase with the marginal cost of spraying and the planner’s discount rate. A local comparative dynamics analysis is also conducted, as it provides the necessary eco-nomic intuition behind other ostensibly anomalous steady state comparative statics results.
Publication Details
Levy, A and Caputo, MR, Optimal Control of Locusts in Subsistence Farming Areas, Working Paper 07-10, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, 2007.