Publication Details

Abraham, A. (2000). Celebrating the past: financial management in the third sectore. In R. Leonard (Eds.), Partnership & Activism: Australian & New Zealand Third Sector Research Fifth Biennial Conference (p. 7). Sydney, NSW: ANZTSR.


The centrality of the mission, as opposed to the importance of fmancial outcomes, created many problems in the early financial management of third sector organisations. Thus, it is important to celebrate the contribution made by these early managers as they struggled to guide their organisation in a fiscally responsible manner. This paper has two parts. First, it considers the need for accountability from an internal organisational perspective and also as a response to the external demand for accountability. Secondly, it provides a case study of an eighty year old organisation whose early leaders were responsible for putting in place procedures which have allowed it to develop into a service organisation with a multimillion dollar turnover. The study presents incidents which demonstrate the development of fmancial management strategies, by providing a micro view of the evolution of a number of these processes, the factors which influenced their development, and the opposition their proponents encountered to their introduction.
