Publication Details

This article was originally published as: Cortese, CL, Aylward, D & Glynn, J, Our retirement in their hands: a user perspective, Australian Accounting Review, 2006, 16(3), 32-40. Copyright 2006 CPA Australia. The authors' manuscript version has been reproduced with permission from CPA Australia for educational purposes only and may not be further made available or distributed without permission. If reproduction is sought, permission to use the original article must be obtained from the Australian Accounting Review.


This research reports on the results of a survey of Australian retirees which provide information on attitudes surrounding financial planning advice before, at or after retirement. These results demonstrate that, despite government initiatives aimed at enhancing consumer confidence in the financial services market, most retirees continue to feel dissatisfied with, and lack confidence in, the services provided by their financial advisors. This suggests an increased role for financial planners to provide not only the additional information required under government policy, but also to provide information that is understandable and useful to the retirees that rely on it.
