Rethinking place identities



Publication Details

Kerr, G. & Oliver, J. (2015). Rethinking place identities. In M. Kavaratzis, G. Warnaby & G. J. Ashworth (Eds.), Rethinking Place Branding: Comprehensive Brand Development for Cities and Regions (pp. 61-72). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


This chapter reconfirms the need for place marketing and place branding and reminds of the markets available to places. We point out the decision to place purchase, that is, to visit, invest or locate, is a high involvement one and guided by the Rossiter-Percy Grid, advertising messages must be believed as being true by recipients if there is to be a likelihood of purchase. Subject to the purchase motivation, the place benefits must either offer a solution to a problem or offer some form of enjoyment or even social approval. We argue that revealing and selecting a place identity should be at the base of place branding and marketing strategies. In doing so, a brand strategy is more representative of the characteristics of the place and will better align place advertising with other channels of place communication. In addition to being guided by relevant advertising and communication frameworks, we draw upon our research and relevant literature to support our arguments. The objective of our chapter is to contribute to the understanding of place identity and its role in effective place marketing and place branding strategies.

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