Phase III randomised double-blind controlled trial of oral risperidone, haloperidol or placebo with rescue subcutaneous midazolam for delirium management in palliative care
Aims: Guidelines recommend targeted use of antipsychotics in delirium for specific symptoms however this approach has not been evaluated in randomised trials. To compare the efficacy of risperidone relative to placebo in the control of specific delirium symptoms in palliative care patients (communication, behaviour and/or perceptual disturbances on Nursing Delirium Screening Scale) at 72 hours after study commencement. Secondary aims were to compare haloperidol and placebo; and risperidone and haloperidol.
Publication Details
Agar, M., Lawlor, P., Quinn, S., Caplan, G., Draper, B., Rowett, D., Devilee, L., Fazekas, B., Sanderson, C., McCaffery, N., Hardy, J., Le, B., Eckermann, S., Hill, M. & Currow, D. (2015). Phase III randomised double-blind controlled trial of oral risperidone, haloperidol or placebo with rescue subcutaneous midazolam for delirium management in palliative care. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 34 (Issue Supplement S1), 33-33.