Management faculty perceptions of candidates with online doctorates: Why the stigma?



Publication Details

Karl, K. & Peluchette, J. (2013). Management faculty perceptions of candidates with online doctorates: Why the stigma?. American Journal of Distance Education, 27 (2), 89-99.


Faculty perceptions of the viability of candidates with online doctorates for a tenure-track assistant professor position in management were examined. Survey results of U.S. faculty members in management departments at institutions accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) indicated that most (90%) would not hire someone with an online degree for a tenure-track faculty position. Given comparable teaching and research records, all candidates with traditional doctorates were rated higher than those with online doctorates. Common reasons given by respondents as to why they would not consider someone with an online doctorate included poor quality of instruction, lack of credibility of an online degree, lack of face-to-face contact, lack of AACSB accreditation, lack of rigorous discourse, and lack of mentoring.

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