Twitter and Assessment: Does Engagement Affect Outcomes?



Publication Details

Robinson, J., Algie, J., Dean, B. Amelia. & Zainuddin, N. (2018). Twitter and Assessment: Does Engagement Affect Outcomes?. In J. Conduit, C. Plewa & D. Wilkie (Eds.), ANZMAC Conference Proceedings (pp. 481-484). Adelaide: University of Adelaide.


Marketing education is innovating through the embedment of social media in teaching and learning activities. By bringing in public facing communication platforms into subject design, students are exposed to a range of skills and technologies to enhance learning, engagement, and ultimately employability. Specifically, the use of Twitter as a pedagogical tool has been investigated and endorsed for engaging students in marketing courses. However, examining the role of Twitter when aligned with an assessment remains relatively unexplored. This study employed a longitudinal pre- and post-survey with 56 student participants in an undergraduate marketing subject, in an effort to better understand student perceptions, interactivity, barriers, and learning outcomes in the adoption of Twitter in a subject assessment. The results indicate a relationship between Twitter engagement levels and assessment learning outcomes, confirming Twitter's educational advantages. The results also suggest the need for students to better understand its purpose and relevance.

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