Multichannel integration quality: A systematic review and agenda for future research



Publication Details

Hossain, T. M. T., Akter, S., Kattiyapornpong, U. & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2019). Multichannel integration quality: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49 154-163.


This paper aims to explore definitions, dimensions, and challenges of multichannel integration quality (MCIQ) in services marketing through a systematic literature review, and qualitative interviews. The findings from the thematic analysis of literature, qualitative data analysis of twenty in-depth interviews and two focus group discussions identified five major dimensions and eleven sub-dimensions of MCIQ. This study extends the emerging integration quality research by evidencing new dimensions and sub-dimensions in the context of multichannel services marketing. By incorporating these insights and addressing the challenges identified in this paper, managers will be able to engage the customers by creating a successful multichannel blueprint.

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