Publication Details

Martin, B.and Pena Sanit Martin, F. (2012). Mobbing, suppression of dissent/discontent, whistleblowing, and social medicine. Social Medicine, 6 (4 (May)), 205-209.

Additional Publication Information

Social Medicine is a bilingual, academic, open-access journal published since 2006 by the Department of Family and Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Latin American Social Medicine Association (ALAMES). Registration with the journal is not necessary to read the content


Humans can be ruthless in attacking each other — even without any physical violence. Individuals can be targets, sometimes inside organisations, sometimes in domestic or public arenas. In workplaces, for example, individuals can be singled out for attack because they are different or because they are a threat or unwanted by those with power. Targets of attack often suffer enormously, with severe effects on their health and well-being. Society is also damaged through loss of conscientious workers and citizens and through squelching of ideas that deserve attention. To understand these sorts of dynamics, there are several concepts that are helpful, including mobbing, reprisals against whistleblowers, and suppression of dissent/discontent.

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