The modern girl: icon of modernity
IN 1930, APOLLO PUBLISHING C QRPORATION published the sheet music and lyrics of the 'Modern Song' (Madan bushl) (Cal. 1 53). On the cover is a woman who epitomises the figure known as the 'modern girl' (modan g;jru, or moga).' The stylised figure has bobbed hair, lipstick and rouge and wears a revealing dress. The pale smoke of her cigarette merges with the stripes of the background. Circular discs suggest the shape of a gramophone record.
Publication Details
Mackie, V. C. 2012, 'The modern girl: icon of modernity', in K. Brown (eds), Deco Japan: Shaping Art and Culture 1925–1940, Art Services International, Alexandria, Virginia: USA. pp. 53