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Asia Pacific Media Educator

Aims & Scope

AsiaPacific MediaEducator (APME) is a refereed journal published annually by the School of Journalism and Creative Writing at the University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. The first issue was published in 1996.

APME aims to generate dialogue among media educators, researchers and practitioners by publishing their informed analysis of media production and texts, and innovations in media education and training. It will consider for publication original articles based on applied research which generates critical questions and examines research issues through comparative frameworks. Papers should aim to challenge the conventions in journalism education and training, and provide practical ideas on improving the standard and currency of media reportage and media training.

APME welcomes articles on academic and non-academic topics. APME is cited in the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts www.csa.com; APAIS; ERIC database; and The Iowa Guide: Scholarly Journals in Mass Communication and Related Fields.

ISSN: 1326-365X