4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI)

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI)



The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI) was held at the University of Wollongong, Australia between 28-30 September 2009. It was convened under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Forum for Educational Integrity (APFEI) and can be cited as Martin, B (ed), Educational Integrity: Creating an Inclusive Approach. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI), 28-30 September 2009, University of Wollongong. ISBN: 9781741281804 (online).

Conference photo gallery

Browse the contents of 4th APCEI 28-30 September 2009:

Student Competition
Conference Program
Conference Papers
Commentary on organising the conference