Local transport in multi-filamentary superconductors: Longitudinal versus transverse dissipation
Little is known on the electrical properties of superconducting tapes and coatings in the direction transverse to the long dimension of the composite. However, transverse dissipation can eventually determine the fate of a transmission line in the case of failure due to the presence of transversal cracks, and is also crucial in the AC regime. In this paper we present a detailed experimental study of the electrical transport properties along the transverse direction of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x-Ag tapes, and compare them with those measured along the long axis of the material. We study in detail the influence of the tape's microstructure on electrical properties along both directions by using sliding electrodes. Our measurements suggest that there is always dissipation in the transverse direction for any value of the current. We also demonstrate that the local dissipation in the transverse direction has a nontrivial correlation with the local density of superconducting filaments.
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Borroto, A., Del Rio, L., Altshuler, E., Arronte, M., Mikheenko, P., Qviller, A. & Johansen, T. H. (2013). Local transport in multi-filamentary superconductors: Longitudinal versus transverse dissipation. Superconductor Science and Technology, 26 (11), 151004-1-115004-5.