Recent Progress on Two-Dimensional Heterostructures for Catalytic, Optoelectronic, and Energy Applications



Publication Details

Xi, Y., Zhuang, J., Hao, W. & Du, Y. (2019). Recent Progress on Two-Dimensional Heterostructures for Catalytic, Optoelectronic, and Energy Applications. ChemElectroChem, 6 (11), 2841-2851.


Two-dimensional (2D) heterostructures have attracted tremendous attention over the past few years, owing to the fascinating electronic and photoelectric properties determined by the heterointerface of different components, which has led to significant efforts being devoted to exploring novel applications based on 2D heterostructures in the field of nanomaterials. Here, recent progress on the features of 2D heterostructures that make them the promising candidates for electronic and optoelectronic applications are discussed. The potential applications of these 2D heterostructures, based on the experimental results, as field-effect transistors (FETs), diodes, solar cells, photocatalysis, and photodetectors, are reviewed and their challenges and outlook are considered.

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