Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Polyamic Acid Containing Oligoaniline and Triphenylamine
The development of electrochromic polymers have receivedgreat attention over the past decades, due to great structurediversity and synthetic tailorability of electrochemical andphysical properties.1-4Among the electrochromic polymers,polyaniline has been investigated extensively by virtue of itsease of synthesis, high electroactivity, and reversible acid/base doping/dedoping chemistry.5,6But the electrochromicdevices based on polyaniline remains rare, primarily due toits limited solubility and resultant poor processability. There-fore, new strategies for the improvement of its solubility andprocessability are urgent required.
Publication Details
Yan, Y., Jia, X., Feng, M., Wang, C. & Chao, D. (2017). Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Polyamic Acid Containing Oligoaniline and Triphenylamine. Polymer Chemistry, 55 1669-1673.