Comparison of inorganic electron transport layers in fully roll-to-roll coated/printed organic photovoltaics in normal geometry
We investigate the suitability of four different inorganic materials (chromium oxide (CrOX), titanium oxide (TiOX), aluminium doped zinc oxide (AZO) and zinc oxide (ZnO)) as electrode transport layers in fully roll-to-roll (R2R) fabricated P3HT:ICxA organic solar cells. CrOX and TiOX were found to be unsuitable, as the CrOX devices did not exhibit rectifying behaviour while the TiOX devices did not withstand the annealing conditions. Of the last two ETLs, ZnO showed by far the most promise with devices demonstrating an average efficiency of 2.2%, which is the highest reported value for R2R devices in normal geometry, and a significantly extended lifetime compared with AZO devices under ISOS-L-2 conditions.
Publication Details
Andersen, T. R., Almyahi, F., Cooling, N. A., Elkington, D., Wiggins, L., Fahy, A., Feron, K., Vaughan, B., Griffith, M. J., Mozer, A. J., Sae-kung, C., Wallace, G. G., Belcher, W. J. & Dastoor, P. C. (2016). Comparison of inorganic electron transport layers in fully roll-to-roll coated/printed organic photovoltaics in normal geometry. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (41), 15986-15996.