A novel and facile approach to fabricate a conductive and biomimetic fibrous platform with sub-micron and micron features



Publication Details

Esrafilzadeh, D., Jalili, R., Liu, X., Gilmore, K. J., Razal, J. M., Moulton, S. E. & Wallace, G. G. (2016). A novel and facile approach to fabricate a conductive and biomimetic fibrous platform with sub-micron and micron features. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4 (6), 1056-1063.


The demands of multifunctional scaffolds have exceeded the passive biocompatible properties previously considered sufficient for tissue engineering. Herein, a novel and facile method used to fabricate a core-shell structure consisting of a conducting fiber core and an electrospun fiber shell is presented. This multifunctional structure simultaneously provides the high conductivity of conducting polymers as well as the enhanced interactions between cells and the sub-micron topographical environments provided by highly aligned cytocompatible electrospun fibers. Unlimited lengths of PEDOT:PSS-Chitosan-PLGA fibers loaded with an antibiotic drug, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, were produced using this method. The fibers provide modulated drug release with excellent mechanical properties, electrochemical performance and cytocompatibility, which hold great promise for the application of conductive electrospun scaffolds in regenerative medicine.

Grant Number

ARC/CE140100012, NHMRC/1065463

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