Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Details

Kelly, A. H. (2005). Facilitating Picnics and Nature Rambles: Conserving Nature for Recreation on Local Government Open Space - a Viable Option?. Local Government Law Journal, 11 109-123.


This article examines the conselVation of biological diversity in public open spaces which are owned or governed by local government in New South Wales. The article highlights, using both historical perspectives and legal examples, how local government's cultural heritage can work directly against conselVation - and shows how even passive recreation in bushy parks can be ecologically detrimental.' This article raises the need for a detailed and critical analysis of the legislative provisions under Ch 6 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), especially in relation to plans of management for community land. Whilst there is opportunity to review aspects of the statutory framework, this article shows that the main problems are more deeply rooted.


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